Mobility Program,


Hellooo long time no see, huh? I was sooo busy (read: lazy) to update my blog. Well, the reason why i blog about things happened to me not because there are people who read because trust me, no one does. But, i just love to express my feelings as well as save beautiful memories that happened in my life so that i can read em in future! Hihi :p

So let me start with this one of the best things ever happened in my life!

On my first day of my mid-sem break, i received a call from Electrical Engineering Faculty's Liaison Officer. She said that I had been shorlisted to join a mobility program to Hochschule Hannover, Germany for 6 months. I was like "hah?". She also said that "everything is sponsored including your flight tickets". I was like, again, "Hah??". As far as i remember, i never apply for a student exchange program. Not to Germany at least. I even thought that she was a scammer hahaha (I'm sorry Madam A'zraa hihi). She also said that she had 10 candidates at that moment and only one student would be selected. So, those 10 students should attend an interview and try the best out of them to nail the interview! Mehhh. The moment i heard that, i already made up my mind no even tried to attend the interview. 

Only one student would be selected? Why should i waste my time? So i told my father about that and he was all excited about it and asked what did i want. I said i did not want to try knowing that I would fail it hihihi (Im so negative, i know). Looking at my rival(sss), they are all my genius friends! HOW. CAN. I. BEAT. THEM. 

But, Abah on the other hand, believed that i could do it. He said that i should try and it was really really really good for me. It's Germany. Engineers are born there :p Plus, everything would be sponsored so why would i waste the one lifetime opportunity? Abah said that. Well, not exactly that, i just rephrase a little bit la cause i dont remember exactly #shortermmemoryproblem

So to interview i went (note that i was in Melaka at that moment and the interview was held in my faculty, Shah Alam #demiabah). Even though i did not want to go, but alang-alang dah pergi, i did prepare myself. I updated my resume (Thank god i learned how to make a resume before!), I made a research about the University that i would enter, I made a research about most likely questions in interview, also facts about Germany, and prepared myself an essay of why i wanted to go for an exchange student program.

So during interview, i entered the room with a smile! And i had two interviewers and they asked me to tell them about myself. So.. "Guten Morgen! Hihi that's the only german's words i learned so far. So my name is Nurul Nadia binti Fadzil..." And the interviewers did laugh! Phewwwww at least i did not feel the tension anymore. So they asked few questions and i kid you not, all those research paid off :D 

After the interview, i called Abah and said that the interview went well and i would not be sad if i was not selected because i was satisfied as i had done my best. The most important thing was the experience and that i did my best. He was so happy to hear that and he said "ada rezeki ada lah tu".

So that night, Madam A'zraa sent an email to me saying that i was selected!! Yay alhamdulilah so i sent it to my family's whatsapp group and everybody was so excited. Alhamdulillah :)

And the real thing started.... I had to settle everything all by myself. From registering myself as a student in Hochschule - registering my course in Hochschule - asking uitm to approve my credit hours that i wanted to transfer - applying VISA -  settling those never ending agreement for the scholarship - asking YTAR's approval for me to go abroad - finding house to stay in Germany - buying flight tickets and there are so many things in between i just cannot remember now. 

Btw, i was so stress because i had final exam at that moment so i really could not focus for everything at once but #siscuba and alhamdulillah worth every effort! Even though rambut gugur a lot hahaha due to the stress ok! And i also lost few kilograms of my weight  due to my sometimes-dont-want-to-go-sometimes-cant-wait-to-go condition.

And tadaaaaa i am here already, in fact i have been here for 3 months already! Im going to share a lot more stories in my next post! 

Fadzil's Family yay!

Transit at Istanbul, Turkey

This is either Istanbul or Germany HAHAHA i forgot lah

That face after 16 hours of flight

My first time seeing a tram!

My temporary Uni :)

Till then! Assalamualaikum!

P/s: this was supposed to be posted 2 years ago, look at me; procrastinating :’)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
